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Outdoor Education

Welcome to Outdoor Education at Connections Learning Center! I can’t wait to go on an adventure with you! This course focuses on exploring Outdoor Recreation through exploratory units that introduce concepts that can be further explored later on in other Outdoor Recreational Leadership Courses. Through a combination of hands-on activities, outings, and outdoor adventures, students will develop essential skills, knowledge, and a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

What students learn:

Key Topics:

  1. Exploratory Units: Students will engage in a series of exploratory units designed to introduce fundamental concepts in Outdoor Recreation. These units serve as a foundation for future learning and exploration in more advanced courses.
  2. Outdoor Activities: From hiking to rock climbing, students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of outdoor activities. Each activity is carefully planned to provide hands-on learning experiences and foster personal growth.
  3. Environmental Education: Our Outdoor Education program emphasizes environmental awareness and stewardship through Leave No Trace (LNT) practices. 
  4. Leadership Development: Outdoor Education isn't just about exploring nature; it's also about developing leadership skills. Students will have the opportunity to collaborate with their peers and practice decision-making in real-world outdoor scenarios.


Meet the Teacher

Melissa Johnston

Teacher Secondary, CTE Teacher