Connections Learning Center provides a structured learning environment, addressing educational gaps and teaching essential skills so students can excel.
English Language Arts
CLC approaches ELA from both sides, filling in missing foundational skills from previous years using Lexia Powerup and expanding the existing skills with differentiated instruction.
CLC English language arts gives students a strong foundation of knowledge and skills for future success.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
CLC works with district ESL programs to support multilingual learners to help them engage with their education. Through in-class support and collaboration, CLC helps to remove the language barrier from education.
CLC ESL program supports multilingual learners academically and linguistically.
CLC’s math instruction utilizes Khan Academy and Math Accelerator to build math fluency. This is combined with in-class instruction and real-world application to offer a well-rounded math class regardless of skill level.
Math instruction at CLC is built on the principle that all students are capable learners of grade-level mathematics.
Science at CLC utilizes Actively Learn and real-world events to dive into the natural phenomena around us. A class pet offers a live observation of the natural world.
The CLC science department fosters scientific literacy in all students.
Social Studies
Social Studies at CLC takes a human approach to our history, focusing on the people, cultures, and events that shaped our world today. Through the lens of art, maps, culture and interactive demonstration, Social Studies investigates how our past shapes us.
CLC social studies curriculum offers high-quality instruction aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards.